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Wayne LeBleu & Associates, INC


Wayne LeBleu & Associates, INC offers a full line of X-Ray related accessories.  Call today for pricing or availability of any items that may not be listed - 337-893-1690

Radiographic Film - blue and green sensitive - all sizes
Duplicating Film
Film Cassettes and Imaging Screens
Digital Cassettes and Imaging Plates
Lead Aprons - (Custom fitting available)
Lead Gloves
Thyroid Collars
Gonad Shields
Apron Glove Racks
Viewboxes - all sizes and configurations
Body Calipers
ID Printers
ID Printer Cards
Positioning Sponge Sets
Footstools With Handrails
Sand Bags
Darkroom Safelights
Film Bins
Lead Blockers
Right and Left Identification Markers
Film Filing Cabinets
Film Filing Jackets - all sizes
Date Stickers
Year Labels
Processor Chemistry - Fixer and Developer for Manual and Automatic Film Processors
Silver Recovery Units
Screen Cleaner - film and digital cassettes
Leaded Sheetrock


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